£25.00 GBP

Business Vision Workshop

Ready to map out your Big Business Vision?

The Big Business Vision Workshop is the perfect next step if you desire clarity on exactly where you're going with your business.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Get clear on what your overall vision is
  • Integrate that vision into your daily life
  • Know you are moving toward your dream life

What's included:

  • Video training on how to map out your business vision
  • Bonus training on integrating your vision and current life
  • Templates, example 'completed' vision for inspiration, worksheets and prompts in case you get stuck

Workshop love letters:

The workshop helped me rule out some services I was considering offering because it's the norm but not actually something I want to do. It made it obvious what I'm doing because I feel I should, not what serves me and the business/life I want to create - my big business vision!! My phone is full of notes of things that came to my head in the days/weeks afterwards.


The business vision workshop was great, a really useful way to think about my end goal and work towards that rather than stressing about the day to day and small steps in between, to make sure I’m fully aligned with my vision! It definitely made me think twice about some of the services I'm offering and helped me to feel confident enough to cut them out moving forwards.
