Work With Me



Psychology-Infused Coaching: Applying Coaching & Positive Psychology to the World of Online Business to Create Happier CEOs, Entrepreneurs & Leaders

Happy Hour

A one-off 60 minute 1:1 coaching call with two weeks support.

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1:1 Coaching

Psychology-infused 1:1 coaching for entrepreneurs, CEOs & leaders.

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A full day to work on your business from the beach in Devon.

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Starting Your Day the Right Way

The no-fluff morning and afternoon routine backed by psychology, research and science to help you have a more productive, fulfilling and meaningful day in business (and the one that I use personally as an entrepreneur with 10+ years of chaos experience!)


Freebies that will make you say "I can't believe Jemma isn't charging for this".



Juicy, laid back & (probably too) honest convos about running a business. 



Making the application of psychology to your online business easy(ish).


Latest Blog Posts

Psychology of Confidence: Self-Efficacy

Jul 17, 2024

Sales Psychology: Pain Point Marketing

Jul 16, 2024

The Confidence Paradox

Jul 01, 2024

Latest Free Resource

Apply the PERMA Model of Wellbeing to Your Business

Identify the areas of your business where you aren't feeling fulfilled and work toward becoming a happier CEO.

The Human Behind the Business (Jemma)

The stuff I should probably tell you is that *takes big inhale* I have 10+ years online business experience, this is the second 'proper' business I've ran (three if you include 'Little Jems' but that's a story for another time), I used to work as an employed mentor, spent years working in welfare, have volunteered as a mentor & coach for UEL, worked with 100+ clients, won a couple of business awards, had a feature in the Daily Mail (regrets!!), I have a BSc Psychology & MSc Psychology, and I'm currently studying for my second MSc in Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology while working toward becoming a Chartered Psychologist in the UK because I love coursework and uni debt for fun.

The stuff you probably want to know is that my Starbucks order is a white chocolate mocha (honestly just stop reading this right now and go and get one, I won't mind), I moved to the beach because I'm just happier near the sea and sand, I live with my amazing boyfriend who has supported my wild entrepreneurial journey from day one, I love psychology so much I could talk about it forever (literally), I'm a big old introvert so you won't find me at parties but you'll definitely find me in the library, I read books as if my life depends on it, I used to think I'd either be an actress (yes I know this makes zero sense considering my last point) or work in a prison, I spent a lot of time travelling alone and testing the boundaries of my inner scaredy cat, I now spend a lot of my time thinking about whether I should dye my hair darker or lighter (help?), I once got mistaken for my boyfriend's mum (that's my most embarrassing moment btw) and my middle name may as well be anxiety.

In short, I love business and psychology but I also don't take life too seriously and highly prioritise fun, joy and living my best life.

More About the Journey